Taking the Initiative Party’s response to the Met police’s recent arrest – Sasha Johnson

Whilst the Met police appear to be making progress, investigating Sasha’s attempted murder, our concerns are that they are simply using individuals in the community as scapegoats for a crime they potentially did not commit. We have had inside sources inform us that the police have made no door-to-door enquiries in the area following the shooting. We are also concerned that they have made no attempt at this, yet have arrested 5 individuals – after claiming that there were only 4 attackers – on suspicion of attempted murder with no valid evidence.
We find it ridiculous that one of these five men, were arrested on suspicion of attempted murder purely due to “affray” and allegedly refusing to stop for the police. How does this warrant an arrest for suspicion of attempted murder on this basis? We feel that whilst the police are making these arrests on invalidated precedence, they could be better spending their time investigating the aspects of this case that could actually direct them to the criminals responsible.
Press release – Sasha Johnson

Following our announcement on social media yesterday regarding the shocking news on the attempted murder of Sasha Johnson, we would like to put forward an update and a statement on the situation. Sasha is currently in critical care and has recently undergone an operation and is in recovery post-surgery; we do not have any further information in relation to her recovery and/or if there is any permanent damage. We can also confirm that the incident involving Sasha is the same incident that was reported by the news outlets on the shooting of a woman in Southwark.
We are appreciative of the kind messages and supportive words sent to Sasha and our team and pray that Sasha will make a full recovery. Sasha has been passionately fighting for people and for equality for a long time and now, she is now fighting for her life.
London News Online

Government rejects petition calling for a register of bigots
The Government has rejected a petition signed by thousands calling for a register of bigots who repeatedly break the law.
The petition, introduced by a new political party called Taking the Initiative Party (TTIP), received 10,979 signatures from supporters of its call for the government to create an official racial and homophobic offenders’ register.
This would allow organisations to find out if potential employees have a history of race-related offences before they were recruited.
The Government rejected the petition on January 26 with the statement: “The Government has no plans to introduce such a register.
“The existing criminal records disclosure scheme allows employers to access appropriate criminal record information about prospective employees.”
Charles Gordon, a founding member of TTIP, said: “We are very disappointed with the recent response from the government in relation to the register.
Response following Met police statement on Sasha Johnson

We find the statement released earlier today from the Met police regarding Sasha Johnson to be inadequate. We would firstly like to address the Met police’s dismissal of the death threats received by Sasha; a threat to kill is a crime under section 16 of the Offences Against the Person Act 1861 and considering Sasha has been shot in the head, we would deduce that the threats and the incident have a correlation.
Ultimately, it appears as though the Met police are exercising damage control by underestimating the severity of this incident; firstly, by insinuating that Sasha’s activism and involvement with Taking the Initiative Party and the BLM movement is not the cause of this incident, however they have no evidence to show otherwise.
Mail Online

Electoral Commission REJECTS controversial bid to make Black Lives Matter a political party because it is 'likely to mislead voters' as it is not associated with main protest groups
Ms Johnson, from the Taking the Initiative Party (TTIP), said the racial offenders list would be 'similar' to the sex offenders' register - which is used to bar paedophiles from professions like teaching.
Speaking exclusively to MailOnline, she also called for 'Holocaust-style' reparations for black people on the basis that capitalism racially discriminates against them, and called for the 'defunding' of Britain's police forces.
The Oxford Brookes graduate also attacked ethnic minority politicians such as Labour MPs David Lammy and Diane Abbott, saying 'as black people... they have been tokenistic'.
London News Online

Zoom meeting hijacked by a group of bigots spewing racist slurs
An anti-racism political party’s zoom meeting was hijacked by a group of bigots spewing racist slurs.
A group of racists infiltrated a zoom call on February 8 shortly after 8pm and triggered their verbal onslaught against Take the Initiative (TTIP) – a political party which aims to promote racial equality.
For a quarter of an hour the group of racist infiltrators subjected the audience to a stream of profanities; using the N word, displaying explicit videos while playing a cacophony of distorted sexual sound effects.
Virtual audience member, Michelle said: “It was five minutes from hell. I was genuinely disturbed; I thought that I was on the wrong platform…maybe I clicked the wrong link. I wasn’t sure and then I heard the word n**ga and felt even more disturbed and angry.
“As I was about to log off, I saw a message in the chat by a member of the party, explaining that the session was being hacked.”
Sky News

Self-styled 'Black Panther of Oxford' behind BLM-inspired political party calls for 'Holocaust-style' reparations for all black people and a sex offenders-style 'race offence register' - as she brands Labour MPs David Lammy and Diane Abbott 'tokenistic'
A leader of a new political party inspired by the Black Lives Matter movement has called for a 'race offenders' register' that would see people barred from jobs based on having been accused of 'micro-aggressions' in the workplace.
Sasha Johnson, the self-styled 'Black Panther of Oxford', came to prominence as an organiser of the BLM protests earlier this year, where she was seen addressing crowds while wearing camouflage trousers, a black beret and a stab-proof-style vest.
The 26-year-old, from the Taking the Initiative Party (TTIP) said the racial offenders list would be 'similar' to the sex offenders' register - which is used to bar paedophiles from professions like teaching.
Man charged in connection with attempted murder of BLM activist Sasha Johnson
A man has been charged in connection with the attempted murder of activist Sasha Johnson.
Cameron Deriggs, 18, of Lewisham, has been charged with conspiracy to murder.
Ms Johnson, 27, was shot in Southwark, London, on Sunday 23 May and remains in a critical condition in hospital.
She is an Oxford graduate and has two children
Earlier this week, the Metropolitan Police said they had arrested five men in connection with the incident, with the other four now bailed until later in June.
Deriggs will appear at Westminster Magistrates' Court today.
BBC News

Sasha Johnson: Black Lives Matter activist shot in London
Prominent Black Lives Matter activist Sasha Johnson is critically ill after being shot in the head, her party says.
The Taking the Initiative Party (TTIP) said she was being treated in intensive care after being "brutally attacked" in the early hours of Sunday.
The 27-year-old has life-threatening injuries following the shooting on Consort Road, in Peckham, south London.
TTIP said Ms Johnson had undergone an operation and remained in critical care, in recovery post-surgery.
A vigil was held in Ruskin Park, close to King's College Hospital, where Ms Johnson is being treated.
Well-wishers played African drums and prayed for Ms Johnson to pull through.
One speaker told the crowd: "In every community there are good eggs and bad eggs and we have to make sure those bad eggs are held accountable for their actions.
"Because it's not acceptable for those bad eggs to be attacking our warriors - be they male or female.
"Warriors who are out there every day without pay working for our families, working for our communities."